At ENTACC, our patients are our priority.

GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when the acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. When this acid touches the sensitive tissue of the esophagus, it causes a burning sensation known as heartburn. Occasional heartburn is normal. If it occurs more than twice a week, you may have GERD. This disease affects all ages, but overweight people and pregnant women are particularly susceptible because of the pressure on their stomachs. In infants and children, GERD may present with vomiting, coughing, sore throat and ear infections. Most infants will outgrow this by age one.

Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, spicy foods and excess weight all may contribute to this condition. While most people with GERD respond to a combination of lifestyle changes and medication, occasionally surgery is recommended. In addition to persistent heartburn and nausea, other symptoms include pain in the chest, hoarseness in the morning, or trouble swallowing, dry cough, bad breath, and the feeling of food stuck in the throat.

If left untreated, GERD can lead to other medical problems such as ulcers, esophageal cancer, cough, and inflammation of the throat and larynx.

Erin O. from Downingtown, PA

“I had stopped taking my allergy medicine and ended up with the worse sinus infection of my life. The staff at Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Chester County genuinely will provide you with the best care. I was overwhelmed by the kindness, concern, and sense of urgency everyone gave. My phone calls were returned promptly and time was made to see me in the office when it was an emergency.”

Connie J. from West Chester, PA

“I can say after years of coming to Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Chester County, my relationship and trust with Dr. Marriotti has grown tremendously. He is personable, friendly and I appreciate his input with my hearing condition. The staff at Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Chester County is always cheery and pleasant. I enjoy my visits and always leave feeling like I am in good hands.”

Dauna P. from University Lincoln, PA

“I am so grateful for the care Dr. Picariello has given for my complex and serious brain diagnosis. He has made such an impression on the way the process was handled. I shall never forget him and how humble he was when dealing with my condition. He is truly one of the best around and I am fortunate for his high ethical standards and professionalism.”

Kathy S. from Schwenksvile, PA

“The knowledge, encouragement, concern, and individual attention the doctors of Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Chester County had demonstrated was far beyond my expectations. The office atmosphere is professional yet friendly. The doctors know their profession well and are able to explain in basic understandable terms. They made sure we were comfortable and took their time going over everything extensively.”

James B., from Coatesville, PA

“The allergy shot process has been a great experience and has prevented a reoccurrence of my nasal polyps, and decreased the need for my asthma inhaler. The allergy staff is excellent.”