Earwax Removal At ENTACC

Having excessive earwax can be annoying because it can cause slight hearing loss and earaches. Most people’s first reaction to earwax buildup can be to stick a Q-tip (cotton swab) in the ear to clean it, but this isn’t safe. Our ENTs can clean your ears effectively and safely.
Is earwax important?
Earwax, or cerumen, is a waxy substance produced by the ears and yellow. It is important because it protects us from water, bacteria, or other foreign substances. Earwax cleans and lubricates the ear canal and usually comes out of the ear on its own before buildup can occur. However, if buildup does occur, it can block the ear and cause problems.
What causes earwax buildup and blockages?
An overproduction of earwax and improper cleaning can cause the buildup to occur. For example, using a cotton swab to clean the ear usually worsens wax buildup because the wax is pushed further down into the canal. You may also see excess wax buildup if you often wear earphones or earplugs.
What are the symptoms of earwax blockage?
Symptoms of earwax blockage include:
- Earaches
- Fullness in the ear
- Hearing loss
- Ringing in the ears
Some other, more severe symptoms may occur if the blockage isn’t treated. For example, an untreated blockage can lead to an ear infection that causes severe pain and minor fever.
Earwax removal and blockage treatment
After examining your ears and confirming you do have a blockage, your doctor can begin removing the wax. A few ways your doctor may decide to remove your blockage include:
Suction - Using a small device called a curet, your doctor can suction out the wax.
Flushing - Flushing out the wax using a water pick or warm water can be an effective tool your doctor decides to use.
Medication - Ear wax removal medication can be used in chronic cases.
At-home earwax removal
There are safe and effective ways to remove wax at home. As long as you don’t have a hole or tubes in your ear, this method of wax removal may be appropriate for you.
Using an eyedropper, place a few drops of mineral oil, baby oil, or hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal. After a few hours to a few days, the wax will be softened and ready to remove. You can then use a rubber-bulb syringe to squirt warm water gently in the ear to flush out the wax.
Get professional earwax removal from ENTACC.
If you have earwax buildup that isn’t naturally coming out or experiencing any of the above symptoms, it is essential to see a doctor. We can professionally clean your ears and remove wax buildup.